Roll of Honor

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Columbia University War Memorial
Columbia University was founded as King’s College in 1754. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York and the fifth oldest in the United States. Columbia’s students and graduates have participated in every major military conflict in which this nation has been involved and, sadly, some of them number among the fallen. Columbia honors the sacrifice of its sons and daughters in all past, present, and future conflicts with a plaque that hangs in the lobby of Butler Library. The Columbia University Honor Roll recognizes them as individuals and acknowledges their service to this country.
How to find alumni
For some alumni, we may only have partial information, which may include Columbia school, class year or dates of attendance, and a date of death. For others, we have full information, including details of their service, photographs either in miliary dress or from their time at Columbia, and even some of their graves. Family, friends and others have also submitted Tributes, in which they share a personal remembrance and some also include additional photographs.
Choose from the conflicts listed on the left navigation to find an introductory summary about each war followed by a roster of the alumni who perished in service. You can also choose All Wars for the most complete list so far. This is a work-in-progress and we hope to continue to refine and update our list with your help.
Top image: (Left) Soldier playing a bugle on steps of Low Library in front of soldiers at attention, United States School of Military Cinematography; (center) WWI service flag at entrance to Low Library; (right) Columns of V-12 men in dress uniforms on parade on Columbia campus, photo by Bernard Sunshine.
Is any of our information incorrect? You can submit corrections, additional photos, and/or tributes to